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  • Be careful ladies
    #11945· 51d ago

    Just wanna warn all the ladies out there, esp the younger girls.. NOT to send nudes or even super sexy revealing photos of yourself to anyone. NEVER EVER. I don’t care who the guy is or how much you trust him. The fact is you never know. There are secret Telegram channels where men exchange nude & sexy pics of women- wives, gfs, flings, FWBs, u name it. ( Don’t ask me how I know. I just happened to see it, and as a woman I’m beyond appalled.) These men even shamelessly share your contact details, IG handle etc, so that other men can “try their luck” to see whether can hit on u and **** you. It’s disgusting, I know. Why do these men do it? Who knows? Street cred? Brownie points? To earn the privilege to remain in these highly guarded secret Telegeam channels? The only way to protect yourselves is never to send any photos of yourself to men. Please ladies. Nowadays with AI and deepfakes, people can easily manipulate your pics to make you appear nude or performing lewd acts, even when u weren’t. It’s too easy. Don’t say nobody warned u about this.

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  • Let go or hold on?
    #11943advice· 51d ago

    Long post ahead. (Please do not slam me, i know this is not right. Good advice will suffice. TIA) Me (married with 1 child), her (married with 2 children). Both of us met 1 month ago, both were unhappy with our own marriage. It started off with a normal chat, while complaining to each other about issues with our spouse. For me, my wife is just pure lazy and i have to deal with all the houseworks. Same for her. Apart from complaining to each other, we do have common topics to talk about and we hit off pretty well. We had our first quick meet up after 1 week of chatting with me buying breakfast for her she as works nearby my workplace. Subsequently, we progress to having lunch, dinner, and even a daycation (once). Things were doing fine and we were so "into" each other. She took the initiative to tell me that she misses me, and said she love me. There was once when she secretly took a photo of me while i am working and say that it's her favourite view. As for me, knowing that i am married and already planning for a divorce when my child is a little older i didn't want to push to hard on this affair. I just wanted to date her and see how it goes. We both agreed in staying underground for the time being. (FYI, i did show my affection to her as well like pampering her such as buying a mothers' day flower with a small cup and buying medicine for her when she is sick as she doesn't want to visit a doctor.) One day, her boss (who have met her husband before) accidentally read our chat via the company's laptop and found out all the deeds that we have been doing. Immediately, her boss wants to meet up with her to have a chat about it and it ended with him saying he has no authority over this and told her to ensure that this shouldn't affect her work. After the chat, she asked/tell me things like "will you hold me all the way and what if halfway i give up?", "are you serious with me?", "why do i feel like you are keeping a distance from me after the daycation?", "i have a feeling that after the daycation you will dump me", "she is afraid that i will leave her if she goes all in to this relationship". So the first thing i did was to apologise to her for landing her into this situation and i continued with telling her that i never thought of dumping her after the daycation and i am really serious about her. I assured her that i am here to stay and when the time is right we will divorce and start dating officially. Meanwhile, she even assured me that her boss has no rights to stop her and she will talk to her boss. The next day was alright until about 3 days later she start to distance herself from me with texts that are difficult to reply, cancelling lunch and dinner dates because her boss is occupying her with work. I offered to buy her breakfast and i will go after passing it to her but she said it's fine because she have eaten. What's going through my mind are those sweet talks from her, did she mean it? How about her telling me that she is willing to go underground and go official when it's time to fight for it? Those insecure feelings from her about me dumping her, and how she is dumping me just because the deeds for exposed. Why chicken out when it's time to fight for it? Sigh...

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  • Most effective reality check
    #11922funny· 51d ago

    I would like to thank SGwhispers community for keeping me grounded. Whenever I am alone with my thoughts and start to think nonsense about whether I should confess to my crush, I open this page and read all the messy relationship stories which remind me that life is too short to deal with such drama! Delulu is indeed not the solulu. Thank you toxic couples for keeping me sane.

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  • Single singaporeans are such freaking losers sometimes
    #11889rant· 51d ago

    Recently most couples in my friend group either got resale flats or successful BTO ballots. So we celebrated. In my friend group there is a few single ppl who were worried about housing affordability when they need to get a resale when they turn 35. Completely fair, it is not very affordable for singles. I am a real estate agent, naturally I offered my advice, even did the calculations of how much it would take to afford a resale and where their salary needs to be at. The truth freaking hurt them, I guess. They realise they cannot afford it and they got angry at me for spilling the tea. I said they're still considered young and their career can uptake if they work hard, but they retaliated with this mob mentality that not everyone can earn high salary in Singapore and save so much money. And they called me a grifter because I'm an agent so I make money off all these resale transactions. Like okay?? My job is a legit profession that we need to take exam for? If you think being property agent easy money you go do la. Or if you think property agents don't need to exist then okay la, when you get scammed don't cry. These are the same people who will spend thousands traveling to Japan every year and work for more chillax companies which obviously pay them what their work is worth (peanuts). Like if you don't want to hustle, don't want to live below your means, and don't want to find a partner to share your life with, what you want us to do? Why should government cater to losers who intentionally do little to contribute to our society? Like if my Malaysian friends out earn you in terms of take home salary you really need to think about wtf you're doing wrong. Housing affordability being one of the most talked about topics at social gatherings, I can see why it becomes heated. But personally jabbing me? Go fck urself. If I got good resale deal I'll sell to a couple instead of selling to you can? Like you can complain about life or start doing something about it? Work harder and get a better paying job? Move overseas? Like you keep complain also damn sian to listen to, but its okay bc I'm your friend I try support. But you take your anger out on me? Too far, like stop the self-pity loser mentality. We are still friends but I'm still so pissed off. Like I'm trying to help you, why does it become my fault? You think just because we buy as couple we have it easy meh? I swear Singaporeans are entitled asf

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  • Work delimma
    #11888advice· 51d ago

    That high paying job or a job that is survivable but happy. Back story , I've quit my comfortable 5k job last year to chase my dream job as I was unhappy . I've been in and out of depression and questioning about life throughout my life. I'm what you call mentally weak there is a risk of me dying if I'm under too high stress. Hence I decided to call it quits and change to a job I've always be scared to do as I'll be considered as a low pay worker but it's my dream job. I use to get migraine on a daily basic and been eating panadol as though its candy everyday just so I can work my job and earn that dream pay. But now although I physically have to work harder I'm happy. Much much happier I stop taking panadol as there wasn't a need to anymore. And the only time I have to medicate myself was when I force myself to work even though I was sick which took a toll on my body. But still I was happy. Problem there is the pay is survivable only. Something that can pay my bills, with some small savings but nothing lavishing like my bi yearly vacations. And I'm not sure if my child would appreciate that in the near future knowing that I'm not giving my everything for a better life to them. My friends and family have been waving jobs with that comfortable pay in my face every now and then and of course I'm tempted by the money and opportunity that it will bring. But do I really want to trade my life for money???? I mean..isn't that what everyone is doing ? If you're in my position would u choose a high paying but unhappy job or a survivable paying but happy job ? In terms of benefits of course the corporate job would be better.

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  • How would you react if your dad didn’t attend your wedding?
    #11887advice· 51d ago

    I recently got married to my partner of 6 years and it was of course, the happiest day of my life being surrounded by close friends and family. However, my parents had divorced about 2 years prior and when I first told my dad about my wedding, his first response was to ask whether my mum will be there. Obviously my mum would be there because like any parent would, who wouldn’t want to see their daughter on the most important day of their lives? However, my dad chose not to show up, citing that until now he is still very affected by the divorce and does not want to see nor be reminded of her. He still gave us a generous angpao but I thought that he would prioritise his daughter on her big day rather than to not show up on an important day. The worst part was when I had to walk down the isle with my mum instead of my dad, leading to many of my friends and family asking where my dad was? It was so embarrassing having to tell them he doesn’t wish to come and have to see my mum because of the divorce. Is right for me to be upset that my dad can’t be an adult to put his feelings aside and be there for me on my big day or does he have the right to be petty over the divorce? Makes me wonder does he worry more about that and saving face or his own daughter on a day that matters the most to her.

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