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#12146: Grievance and Complaint Regarding Excessive Overtime and Lack of Work-Life Balance
#12146rantยท 13d ago

Dear Spouse's Boss(es), This letter constitutes a formal grievance and complaint regarding the excessive overtime demands placed upon my spouse. Your organisation consistently operates in a manner that disregards the importance of work-life balance for your employees. This is evident in the following: - Excessive Overtime: my spouse and other colleagues routinely work beyond their contracted hours, overnights with no apologies or compensation. You still have the cheek to call my spouse outside of work hours, while we are sleeping or making love (which is hardly, after all these years). To think that your organisation supports family and community policies of the government, which is ironic to me. Despite the providence of off-in-lieu days, my spouse is pressured to work 24/7. - Lack of Flexibility: The organisation demonstrates a lack of flexibility in work arrangements, failing to accommodate personal commitments and family responsibilities. I would warn others with family not to work for you. I am not alone in this as other contacts who hear about your organisation have nothing positive to say about you all either. - Constant Pressure: Employees are subjected to constant pressure to meet unrealistic deadlines, leading to chronic stress and burnout. This excessive workload and lack of support have had a significant negative impact on my spouse's physical and mental health, as well as our personal relationship. It has also severely impacted our ability to plan and enjoy our lives together. If I had known about your toxic workplace culture, I would warn other innocent young prospective applicants that people in your organisation are giant walking red flags and to stay clear. Despite your organisation clearly associating with MPs, grassroots activities, and supporting needy families, you turn a blind eye to your organisation's direct impact on the well-being of your employees, who are hardworking citizens, not slaves. The blatant disregard for employee well-being and work-life balance reflects poorly on your organisation, the government and will negatively influence my voting decisions in future elections. Throwing more money at your employees is not going to nip the problem in the bud - your toxic work culture. Recommendations if you want to retain or hire new staff: - Promote flexible work arrangements such as remote work and flexible hours to improve work-life balance, and not as a "reward" to "deserving/favourite" staff. - Reduce workplace stress by setting realistic deadlines and providing adequate support to employees. - Actually defend your employees and not let them be bullied by mafia towkay chairpeople and volunteers. Just because they are rich and powerful, does not mean they can belittle others and be entitled brats. - Be upfront during interviews so that new recruits don't go into the role blindsided by the unspoken rules and "extra assignments". - Prioritise employee well-being by offering resources such as stress management programs, proper whistleblowing channels and employee assistance programs. Your overconfidence in "ownself check ownself" is a joke because spouses of your employees can see through the smokescreen and sweet talk. I expect to see long-term solutions to address the concerns raised by election day, because I have tolerated your nonsense for years and I still see no improvement. If I had known then that our lives would be constantly interfered by you lot, I would not have married my spouse. Till today, I don't see a future for us. Children are completely out of the picture. I look forward to your prompt response to resolve this mess. If you launch a witch-hunt to find, threaten or sue said employee, I will know, and your organisation's performance will be evaluated at the polls come election day. My spouse is a completely innocent patriot who will die unremembered by you, and not even a footnote in the annals of your organisation. Sincerely, Flat Burntout

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