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#1082: do y'all plan to pursue a career related to what you're studying?
#1082schoolworksocietyยท 1178d ago
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curious because most of my peers in arts, humanities or social science don't even do anything remotely related to their majors. which I think is an interesting phenomenon, considering the amount of money dropped into university education.

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  • frightening-shop

    i think we have a lot more bandwidth to explore other fields, compared to eg. those in computer science or engineering where their courses are packed with modules and content

    1178d ago ยท ยท
  • frightening-shop

    i think its also because with fass degrees, we're able to venture into lots of different industries. eg. sociology you can go into research for a tech company and realise - oh i actually have interest in this field

    1178d ago ยท ยท