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  • Is it worth it to gun for a place in an NUS degree, even if it's in a subject I have absolutely ZERO interest in, or go do my passion, or as close as possible, at whichever university lets me?
    #11236academics· 433d ago

    Hi Prof Ben, I'm currently a final-year student in NUS High. I just finished my final internal exams and got my grades back, and to be honest, they are bad enough that my choices for which courses I can do in NUS are EXTREMELY limited, if I even have any. For context, my school does not offer national exams for subjects that are not Mother Tongue, instead opting to offer its own diploma. However, I find that I have better choices from other universities within Singapore. The problem is that most of these universities do not have the same name brand as NUS, which means I am locked out of top university graduate visas from countries like the UK and Japan, making emigration from Singapore that much harder. I had a look at the degrees that I might be eligible for within NUS, and to be honest, none of them interest me. Is it worth it to try to get into NUS if possible, or am I better off going elsewhere for university? P.S. Ignore the previous submission with the same title, I accidentally sent an earlier draft of this question, sorry, Prof Ben!

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  • Your thoughts on quiet quitting
    #6101career· 878d ago

    Hi Prof Ben, Any thoughts to share on quiet quitting? Seems like a new terms sprouting everywhere on the internet. With 躺平 and the great resignation gaining traction in the past year, are these terms really necessary? Am a millennial myself (early 30s) and feel like there this whole need to labelling these behaviours is getting a little too much. Appreciate your thoughts on this.

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  • Marriage
    #5458relationships· 878d ago

    Hi Prof Ben When is a good time to have heart to heart talk with men? How would men feel if you share deepest feelings in your heart with him? How do you start a conversation if you dislike his brother’s wives? How do you share with him if you do not wish to meet her or see her, and you wish to avoid all family gathering?

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  • Being a girl in STEM is hard
    #3974weird· 976d ago

    Hi Prof Ben, I am 14 years old and love coding in HTML and Javascript. My secondary school (a top IP girls school) doesnt offer coding as an O level subject. The boys in the brother school next door get to study coding for O levels. I have no choice but to pick it up myself as my parents cannot afford private coding lessons. But I find it hard to do a portfolio as I'm self taught. Is it going to be hard for me to enter NUS CS? It seems to be harder for girls to get into STEM for all these reasons.

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  • advice needed
    #3133career· 976d ago

    hi Prof Ben. I am a computing student and I really want to work for sg govt but I don't really want to do my hons to save some money (it's not to a point where I can't afford - just a little ex) and tbh I don't know how useful fyp is to the work I want to do. do you think it's possible to get a place in a govt associate programme without hons? my gpa is decent (~4.8)

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  • Not sure what to do after graduation (Mid-career switch?)
    #2287career· 1079d ago

    Hi Prof Ben, I am an Engineering (not Computer engineering but start with C also) student in one of the local universities slated to graduate this year. I have agreed to take on a scholarship/sponsorship with a certain company for 2 years while I was interning at a consultancy firm. However, recently I realized that job prospects, pay and work life balance in the industry is not ideal compared to others. I also do not see myself being in the industry in the long run and building a career out of it. As such, I am reconsidering my scholarship/sponsorship and looking into jumping out of the industry and possibly moving into the tech industry. I am also considering taking up bootcamp such as the ones by General Assembly and taking some other online coding courses. What advice or what should I learn as a start as an Engineering student like me who wish to jump into the tech industry despite not having a relevant degree?

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